
“Turn-key” car delivery from the United States of America.
RolenAuto is a Ukrainian company which includes: Service station, auto parts store and turn-key car shipping service from the USA.

Project numbers

Advertising budget: $ 9 845

Price per lead: $ 2.98

No. of leads: 3 293

Average bill: $450

Period of cooperation: 9 months
The goal of the project is to attract a large number of applications from potential customers interested in buying a car "turnkey" from America.

We analyzed the target audience of the brand and competitors' offers, we started AB testing different platforms for traffic. Quiz worked the best, because it had the cheapest application, with the same input data (clickability of creatives, etc.). And, thanks to the quiz, RolenAuto received an already interested potential client with an understanding of his own desires.
Working with this brand, we used the static banners. The best of the banners were the ones, which immediately showed the price comparison of a certain car in the Ukrainian market and the price of the same car if RolenAuto brought it "turn-key" from the United States.

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