
Online foreign language school
An online school where everyone can easily learn real Polish.
The main principle of the school is a minimum of cramming, maximum practice and interactivity.

The project's numbers are up to:

Number of Instagram followers: 1 500

Number of Telegram subscribers: 12 562

ERR Instagram: 9%

Project numbers afterwards:

Number of Instagram followers: 14 300

Number of Telegram subscribers: 31 445

ERR Instagram: 6.6%




Forming a community consisting of Ukrainians living in Poland who want to constantly improve their Polish skills in order to join life in this country, thereby creating a constant flow of students for various learning formats. And also to do a complete rebranding and completely change the presentation of information on social networks.

Our solution

First, we developed a comprehensive digital strategy and a new corporate identity with a design system, which were immediately integrated into all promotion platforms (Telegram | Instagram | Facebook | website).

After analyzing different content formats, we came to the conclusion that Instagram is best served by useful video content in the Reels format with the school's founder, as well as carousels with useful selections that will help you learn Polish.

We have also introduced interactive communication with the audience on a regular basis in stories. Some may say that you can't use "polls" and other interactive tools every day. But thanks to relevant topics and gamified content presentation, in our case, this is the best way to engage the audience in communication and purchase training.

Example of a story

Since the school wants to be in constant contact with its students, we also decided to promote the Polish language Telegram channel. After tests, we came up with the perfect format for the channel, through which we can sell the school's courses/marathons/webinars on a daily basis, and the audience will respond positively. To do this, we provide a lot of useful information in the form of vocabulary collections every day, organize free mini-marathons inside Telegram, and teachers regularly participate in the creation of video/audio content.

We would like to emphasize that the best way to increase sales in this project is to regularly post useful expressions for daily use for those who find themselves in Poland. Therefore, most of the attention is paid to the development of content.


Additional tools

For Speak&Roll, we additionally developed gift certificates in the form of "tickets for a trip in an interesting Polish language", developed UI\UX design of the website in accordance with the new brand book, edited content for the Tik-Tok platform, and a branded sticker pack for Telegram. The project promoted social media through targeted advertising to sell training and grow the community.

We have also recently started to separately promote and develop a Telegram channel and Instagram account to promote Speak&Roll's English language courses.

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