You're subscribed to several, or maybe many channels. You read them, like them, comment on them every day. And then you get the idea to create your own Telegram channel. There's a bit of panic, a lack of understanding of what to do and in what order. That's why we wrote this article - to explain the process of creating and developing a Telegram channel in simple terms. Let's get started!
Stage 0: Reflection
Before you start any practical actions, you should realize that developing a Telegram channel is a daily hard work. There is no "bang and done" here.
If you are ready to invest time, money, and a little patience, then this is already half the battle. And now for more practical tips!
It all starts with choosing the theme of the channel. What will it be about? To start, it's a good idea to choose a topic you're knowledgeable about. It could be a hobby, professional skills, or anything else you have a lot to say about.
Later on, if you want to expand the number and topics of your channels, you can involve experts who will create content instead of you.
You've already decided on the theme, and here come a bunch of questions: what to post, when to do it, and how often? There is only one answer - it's up to you!
There is no definite answer to questions like "how many posts per day/week should there be?" or "how to present information better?"
Today, there are more than 42,000 Telegram channels registered in Ukraine. With such a number, it becomes difficult to compete for attention. But it's possible. And one of the effective ways to do this is to stand out in style and content delivery. Do it as much and as well as you can.
Post from 1 to 2 posts per day (this does not apply to news topics, where there may be up to 30 publications per day).
It's better to publish in the morning (before 9-10 am) or in the evening (after 5 pm).
If the number of posts in the channel exceeds 5 per day, it's better to publish in "silent mode" without sound notifications.
It's better to plan in advance when, on what topic, and with what text the publications will be released.
Before moving on to the next stage, fill the channel with at least 15-20 publications over 3-5 days so that new subscribers have the opportunity to evaluate the content and decide if it interests them.
You have a topic, you have content, but only you, your family, and friends are subscribed to the channel. How do you grow your subscribers now? Like everywhere else, there are free and paid promotion methods. Here we will talk about paid methods, as they are the fastest and most effective.
This is the best way to attract an audience to your channel because these will be people from the same platform, just from other channels. How it works:
Select channels where your audience may be (based on age, gender, interests, etc.). You can search for them using this free service.
Create or order a promotional post from creatives. This post will be seen by your potential subscribers, so it should be as interesting as possible, sometimes even clickbait. You can order a post from advertising agents (we will talk about them in the next paragraphs). They will develop it themselves or may hand it over to familiar creatives.
In the channel description, there is usually contact information for the advertising agent. Write to them and find out the conditions for placement: time on the timeline (whether the post is deleted or remains forever), time in the top (how long the post will be the last in the channel and will not be overlapped by others), and the cost of placement.
This often includes Instagram or TikTok. The principle here is quite similar — you find accounts where your target audience might be, create an advertising post, and indicate that more information or continuation is available via a link.
Examples of advertising posts:
As an option, you can test it, but from our experience, it's not a very effective method. Facebook doesn't like links to other messengers or social networks, so it often displays the website incorrectly or even rejects such advertising campaigns. However, you can still give it a try.
before starting to promote your channel: make it private. This way, people can only access it after their request is approved by the administrator (you). This approach can lead to a higher subscription rate and a lower unsubscribe rate.
For advertising in each channel, create a separate link (this feature will appear after you make your channel private). This way, you can assess the effectiveness of advertising in each individual channel and collaborate again with the most effective ones.
Now let's talk about the most interesting part — money. How much will promotion cost, how much will each subscriber cost, and how much should you spend?
The answer is simple — you need to test and see the results. It all depends on the channel's topic, competition in it, and the effectiveness of advertising posts. From our own experience, we can say that simply changing an advertising post can change the cost per subscriber by more than 10 times! More specifically, in Telegram, the cost of advertising placement is calculated per 1000 views (CPM — cost per mille). For example:
On average, a post in the channel reaches 30,000 views within 24 hours. The cost of 1000 views in this channel (CPM) is 100 UAH. Therefore, the cost of placement in this channel will be 30,000 / 1000 * 100 = 3,000 UAH.
If from this placement you gained 700 subscribers, then the cost of 1 subscriber will be 3,000 / 700 = 4.28 UAH.
Test different promotion channels, various advertising posts, improve results, and create quality content. And then a large and engaging Telegram channel will only be a matter of time for you!
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