Mria Design

An American company that deals with interior design: restaurants, hotels, apartments, houses.

Project results

The number of Instagram followers: 0

Number of Linkedin subscribers: 0

ERR Instagram: 0

Project results After:

The number of Instagram followers: 1027

Number of Linkedin subscribers: 33

ERR Instagram: 7.1%

Period of cooperation: 4 months

Instagram layout

The challenge

Increase the company's sales. Launch social networks from scratch such as: Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook. Increase the company's recognition.

Our solution

At first, we developed a comprehensive digital strategy and a new corporate identity with a design system, which were immediately integrated into all social networks (Linkedin | Instagram | Facebook).

After analyzing all the ways of promotion on different platforms, we started making expert reels that increased brand awareness. We also added a geolocation marker.

We made the stories expert and interactive to interact with the audience.

Examples of stories

Examples of POSTs


Additional tools

High-frequency design-related hashtags were also used to promote the accounts.

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